Monday, December 14, 2009

ATTENTION: The Bat! Being Used by Email Scammers

Have you received unsolicited emails or are you liaising with one of the suspicious scammers thru email correspondences? The question is how we can confirm and track these scammers even if they use sophisticated media or technology in operating their fraudulent business?

This is a simple instruction on how we can get information about the sender or the source of the email message. Let us say you are using Yahoo email service. We can track them by going to your inbox and choose one of the suspected scammers message by pointing your mouse to it then right click and choose "View Full Headers". Copy paste the information acquired in a spreadsheet and tabulate the data. Use
one or many of the available IP-Address trackers. All the information about the sender will appear including its IP address. However those professional scammers use X-Mailer: The Bat! so it would be difficult to track them down. To get to know further information about this please check the article below.


Courtesy of Systems Architecture Laboratory (ESAL) located in Stockholm, Sweden

Technology that can be abused by Scammers – Are you being scammed?

Scamming is a sophisticated technique used to part the unwary of their money. The challenge for the scammer is that not everyone falls for the scam; unfortunately, enough people do fall for the scam to keep the scammers in business. This short article helps explain how Scammers use technology to help them commit a scam and signals that you can look for that will help you avoid being a victim.

Scammers have a big problem to overcome when they try to get unwary people to send them money – first, there is a much higher awareness today so far fewer people fall for the scams. This means that Scammers need to "play the percentages" and send out as many "convincing" e-mails as possible in the hopes of finding their victim. How can they do this? Through technology solutions normally used by companies. Let me ask you two questions: First, what would you think if you knew that the person writing you was using a commercial software application typically used by businesses? Second, what would you think about receiving e-mails from a mail client from someone claiming that they were using an Internet Café? If you do not understand either of these two questions, your vulnerability to being scammed is much greater. There are two pieces of background information that will help you understand why understanding the context of these two questions is important:

First, managing the large number of scams that are necessary in order to identify a victim is difficult. The solution is to use a commercial software application that has the following characteristics:

1) The Scammer needs an e-mail client that can manage large amounts of e-mail from many different e-mail accounts (using the same e-mail account for communicating with many victims can be problematic since once identified as a Scammer, there are enough Blacklists that the e-mail account will be readily recognizable).
2) The Scammer needs an e-mail client that can sort messages from different e-mail accounts into threads do that the dialogue over time can be managed – this allows "customization" of the communication with the victim to help avoid suspicion (not answering questions or ignoring important information can tip off a victim that something is wrong.
3) The Scammer needs a way to reduce the amount of effort required to communicate with all their victims.

Second, as the scale of the scamming activity increases, the Scammer will have a problem using a web e-mail service:

1) E-mail service providers, once aware of a scam, can involve law enforcement agencies and can identify other victims and send out warnings – the Scammer needs to minimize, as much as possible, traces of their scamming activities.
2) Most people would never consider using an e-mail application from an Internet Café (which many Scammers claim to be using) since all of their mail would be left on the computer they were using! If someone is using an e-mail application of any kind (Outlook Express, Outlook, etc.) while stating that they are using an Internet Café warning lights and a siren should be going off.

Now that we have identified the characteristics, we can discuss two simple tests that you can do yourself: First, as soon as possible, ask the person that you are corresponding with where they live. With this information, you can inspect the e-mail message header (most e-mail clients will show this information as "message header" or "show original message") – the part that you are looking for looks like this:

Received: from ( [])
(authenticated bits=0)
by (8.12.10/8.12.10) with ESMTP id jBHJSM2V039983
for ; Sat, 17 Dec 2005 22:29:30 +0300 (MSK)
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 22:26:48 +1100
From: scammer
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01)

Step one is to find out where the message actually came from – for this example I am using an e-mail where the woman claimed to be using an Internet Café in Cheboksary, Russia. I enter the following URL into my web browser:

Next, I enter the IP address from the line that starts with "Received:" which is:

And enter it into the "Search for" field on the web page, which returns the following results:

person: Nikolay Nikolaev
address: Volgatelecom Mari El branch
address: Sovetskaya 138
address: 424000 Yoshkar-Ola
address: Russia MariEl Republic
phone: +7 8362 421549
phone: +7 8362 664435
fax-no: +7 8362 664151
nic-hdl: NN-RIPE
source: RIPE # Filtered

I am expecting the address to be Cheboksary and Chuvash Republic – I am not expecting the address to be Yoshkar-Ola and MariEl Republic! Actually, I already had a warning flag in the e-mail header:

Received: from

If the e-mail actually came from Cheboksary, I would expect to see the following:

person: Medukov J Alexandr
address: 428000 Cheboxary Lenin av 2a
phone: +7 8352 662912
nic-hdl: MJA4-RIPE
source: RIPE # Filtered

How did I get this information? Simple, find a government or business URL in the city you are interested in and enter it into Ripe. You may need to identify the IP address by using the PING command – this will turn a text URL into an IP address that can be searched on Ripe. I will not go into this more, since this topic wanders off topic a bit.

The important thing to note is that the city and republic do not match what was expected – there are a lot of people on this and other web site forums that can assist you if you need more help.

The second test is to examine the message header and look for "X-Mailer:" – in our example we find the following:

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v2.01)

This means that the person sending me the e-mail from a supposed Internet Café is using an e-mail client application. By now, "Red Alert" should be flashing! Why would someone use an e-mail client from an Internet Cafe? Well, most normal people would not – so this is very likely a scam!

Now that I have covered how you can test your own e-mails for scamming attempts, I want to return to the technology topic.

The Bat! (also known as TB! And TB) – I will use TB! From this point on – is an e-mail client application (a program that runs on a personal computer) that is marketed towards companies and individuals that need to manage large volumes of e-mail. The OECD refers to a category of company as a Small to Medium-Sized Enterprise – an SME for short. Smaller SME's often have very limited budgets and cannot afford specialized Sales and Marketing, Customer Service, and other forms of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. Our laboratory supports a group company that helps smaller SME's adapt TB! for their business. I mention this because TB! Has been associated with both Spamming and Scamming – the product is legitimate and is a valuable tool for many businesses; unfortunately, the same features that make TB! effective and efficient for companies, also provide a similar benefit to Scammers. There are two features that Scammers find particularly useful:

1) TB! supports a sophisticated macro programming language and a sophisticated ability to manage templates – predefined text that can be dynamically changed by the macro programming language to respond to e-mails. This allows a technically competent person to create a Scamming system that has a high degree of automation while at the same time allowing the scammer to add custom text in predefined areas within the template. The more people that the Scammer can correspond with, the more likely a victim can be found. 2) TB! is designed to work with multiple e-mail servers simultaneously. This makes it very easy for the Scammer to use numerous "dummy" e-mail accounts for Scamming unsuspecting victims (TB! downloads and erases the e-mails from each e-mail server making it harder for investigators to track what was happening).

An e-mail client such as Outlook Express or Outlook Professional and most web e-mail clients such as Yahoo and Hotmail do not offer this level of sophistication. TB! is also very affordable at less than USD $60.00 – well within the means of the typical Scammer. TB! is a product of RIT Labs, which is based in Moldova.

This article was produced by the Enterprise Systems Architecture Laboratory (ESAL) located in Stockholm, Sweden. Reuse of this information free of royalty is hereby granted providing that this notice is included in any reproductions.

Our footnote. Beware!! recently scammers started using other mass-mailing programs (those are usually used to send spam). In particular: FC'2000, Becky and CommuniGate Pro.


I hope this article is useful and informative to everybody!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Gift of Spam Mails and Malwares (Malicious Software) these Holiday Seasons

Are you upset every time you open your personal email account flooded with spam mails? Have you ever wondered why there are many bulk mails eating most of your inbox storage? Despite of replacing your personal email and then later you have seen again a growing spam mails. The spam mails can penetrate your spam protection because they have passed the filtering process. This holiday seasons the Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned the public on email scams. From these spam mails some of it have electronic greeting cards (known as e-cards, or postcards) that after viewing the attachment you will be prompted to click the link on the webpage which has malwares.
Before opening any attachments sent to you from unsolicited mails it is recommended to conduct your own investigation if there are malwares attached into it. Run your updated Anti-virus from your computer and/or from a trusted website that provides free services in scanning the files that you have received.

Email Registration Required by Many Websites

Do not just give your personal email address to any websites you encounter while surfing the internet. It would be advisable to use a dummy email address to satisfy some websites requirements if you do not trust them. Ask yourself why they are requiring you to fill up some personal information and your email address to be indicated if there has no relevance. Obviously what they would do before you provide further information you will be prompted that they do not save password or sell your email address.

How To Catch Websites Who Sell Email Addresses?

An ordinary internet user can catch if a website is engaged to email address database selling to another parties. Nowadays, before you can participate into forums and/or use their services you will be required to enter your email address. Although not all forum sites or any websites that ask you to provide email address as part of registration process (before you can participate to their forum, for example) are selling email addresses to others but it will become like a form of spamming once you have registered and you will be automatically emailed if there are some updates on the site you have joined. Aside from this, some of the sites make a good profit by selling email addresses. As stated here, you can use a dummy email address but expect many spam emails flooding your message box.
If you want to identify which sites are engaged on spamming emails it will be easy but it will eat up some of your time. For example, create three new email accounts and assigned each one of them to three suspected sites that sell email addresses to another parties. Do not disclose your three new accounts to anybody and wait for about one to three months if your message inbox are free or flooded with spam emails.
In a study, even if you will not register your email address to any websites but you disclose it by posting comments to blogs or forum threads the said email address will be at risk of spam emails as well. Just be careful and once you have received spam mails it would be best if you will just delete it right away and do not dare to open it.

What Should You Need To Do If You Get Spammed?

If you have many bulk mails and mostly are unsolicited then you just need to delete all of them or use a best software that blocks all these in the possible penetration in the future. Make sure that you do not react or make any replies to them. If you do, the chance is you will be getting more unwanted emails to be received in few days. Answering to spam messages will put you into more difficult situation and you will be out of control.
If you have received those obviously fraudulent messages then do not reply and if you want to report it to authorities then it would be good. To give you an example, you might have received a notification letter that says you have won US$1 million from a lottery or a Nigerian Scam that was telling you to contact them with their telephone number. You might have noticed that the message was obviously has not been sent to you directly as you can see that the mailto was not your email address (“undisclosed recipients”, or only shows other email addresses). Why in the letter that you must call them and why not them? The email address that they were using is just a yahoo mail, msn, gmail, etc. or the account that can be gotten from any websites that offer free email addresses to anybody.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Site Advisory Service

I would like to share what I have checked out on internet. This is about software that can pre-check the sites from any threats of virus, spywares and the like. It is very useful before you enter into the chosen sites from search list you will be given a status code if it is safe to explore or if there are some reports about the site’s spyware, virus, and malwares.

I am not promoting this site but I believe this will be of great help especially if we do not have good anti-virus software or nothing at all. You can search other known anti-virus software online with similar services offered as well.

Check this link and it will do the rest for you :

Should you have queries please do not hesitate to leave a message.

This is how the software works after you have downloaded it. It is free.

Friday, October 16, 2009

What is Telemarketing Fraud?

Have you received a call from a telemarketer telling about their company and the services they are offering? Or telling that you have won from a raffle that you don’t even have a clue how you have been granted with rewards? Before going into deep of discussion take note that once you have given money or personal information to unknown caller the chance of getting yourself into trouble is too high. It would be difficult to refund or get the money back but the worst is the damage that has been done if they got your personal information. Mostly of deceiving callers will ask about your personal information such as the following that it looks like a survey that they are conducting which they hide their secret agenda.
Common questions or information they would like to know that would look like you are filling up a survey form :
1.Your full name
2. Address
3.Credit card account number, or type of credit card that you are using.
4. Credit card CVV (Card Verification Value) number which is usually 3-4 digits depending on the card type that you are holding. The fraudulent telemarketer will offer you to buy their frontline products or services so that you will provide your credit card information to avail their offer instantly. By placing a purchase using your credit card of course they might now the expiration date of your card and other information that they would ask you prior to purchase.
5. Your email address
6. Your mother’s maiden name, date of birth, spouse’s name.
Some of the credit card companies are asking about basic questions before they entertain inquiries and disclose to you about your account information. Once the scammers have got all these information from you they might call the credit card company or your bank to get more information in your account.
7. Your job or position at work. How many are living at home?
They might ask you how long you usually spend your time at work. By knowing your daily routine as well the deceiving telemarketer will have a chance to send somebody to your home if there is an opportunity to rub your belongings. They are smart enough that even your neighbors will not think that they are rubbing your house.

Maybe you have received an email notification or through text (sms) about your free gifts, vacation, or prizes, but it will not be easy, they will ask you to pay postage, handling fees, and many more charges. This case is the same thing as stated in item number 4 above. You have to purchase instantly since the offer is just for the day and you have no time to decide otherwise you will never get the freebies. Legitimate telemarketers or company that they represent should not pressure you. They should give you a chance to think and if they pressure you it would be better if you seek advice from local authority.
It is obvious that they are into fraudulent business if they will tell you that you do not need to verify or ask more about their company information. Of course they will not give you a chance to verify their backgrounds. They want a short time transaction only.

How To Avoid Telemarketing Fraud?

There are some tips on how to avoid the telemarketing fraud.
1. You must conduct background check about their company.
2. Ask the telemarketer’s full name although they might provide you wrong information but at least you have done your part in getting more about them. Do not just believe but get further into your own investigation.
3. It would be good if they could provide you a formal letter and not just give what they are asking without black-and-white proof of transaction or their letter of intent or the like.
4. They should not ask to pay in advance. You must receive their services or products before you pay or otherwise if you trust their company’s credibility.
5. If they are representing charity organization think first if after giving the money, will they really use it for goodwill?
6. The bottom line is to know more about them first, do not be pressured. You can report it to local authority if they have some records. Seek help from the right agency, friends, and check the internet as well if there are some forums about their company or product and services that they are offering.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

What Will You Do if You had been Victimized by Scammers?

Most people nowadays while we are now moving forward towards the advance generation of computer technology the scammers are making the full use of the system to fool other people for their personal interests. For some people, something illegal is just an easy way to get money. Lots are tempted to involve themselves into fraudulent acts.

Here are some tips if you had been victimized by scammers:

1. If you are suspecting that you have dealt with scammers the first thing to do is to report to the local authorities for verification and further investigation.

2. Once confirmed then you can alert your friends not to deal with such company that engaged into fraudulent activities.

3. Spread the news by taking advantage of the available media such as internet to inform everybody. You can go to social media like blog sites and join the online forums.

4. Make follow ups with the local authorities that handle the internet crimes and other related acts.

5. Do not cry if you have given money try to do some ways to get it back. Do not just sit down and be worried without doing anything. Take note about their business address and contact numbers if they have. Follow the advices of the authorities who conduct investigation or entrapment operation since they are more expert than you.

6. To overcome your trauma from spending your money for nothing, keep yourself busy on other things.

7. Try to accept within yourself that you did not lose instead you have gained experience that would make you strong. That was only trials and hiccups in your life. Like me, although I was a registered associate with a networking company and spent much of my savings to it 5 years ago I never lose hope in life and yet I considered it as blessing in disguise. Even though I lose money from it by investing I am so grateful that by attending many free seminars I became a different person. Before becoming an associate I was contented with the 8x5 office-work and wait for monthly salary but I have realized that in getting into business through its seminars I could possibly earn more than twelve months of my salary in just a month. All I have to do is to think with an entrepreneurial spirit. Did I lose anything, of course my money but it was for the exchange to my experience to become stronger. I considered that the seminar was the prize I got from spending huge amount of money. I know I could not learn from school all those experiences they shared. It inspired me until now as I go on in on to become successful.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

History of Virus

History of Virus:

The first computer virus had been firstly detected on the early ‘70s. In 1971 there was a computer virus that was called Creeper virus and it was detected thru the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network or commonly known as ARPANET. Creeper was the fruit of experiment by Bob Thomas. This Creeper program has the capability to replicate itself. The main purpose of this virus was to inflict the Mainframe made by DEC in the late 1960s. This mainframe was called PDP-10 or Program Data Processor Model 10 that ran under TENEX operating system. The Creeper virus was famous with the line saying, “I’m the creeper, catch me if you can” for all those infected computers. Because of this first virus there was a first anti-virus that had been made and it was called the “Reaper” that has the capability to delete the Creeper virus.

“Rother J” was the first virus that had gone out over the networks.This virus had been written by Richard Skrenta. Apple DOS 3.3 was the operating system that had been victimized by this virus and the spread had been possible through its floppy disks. Out of amusement during Richard’s high school life it was injected into a game.

During the times before the popularity of computer networks the viruses can only be spread through the use of media files, portable storages like floppy drives, etc.

Nowadays, viruses can be spread through networks and they have the capability not just to take control of your program in your computer but to detect your activities and get some non-disclosure information about you.

A simple virus can be made by using the assembly language program and those virus generators have other ways by using other type of programs to give harm to others.

There are some rumors that allegedly they are accusing those anti-virus makers as one of those who make viruses to spread over the networks. As some bad business concept, they create problem in order to sell the solution!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Virus? How it Works?

This article is about "virus". How this virus had started? Who are those behind the viruses in computer? How does it affect you? Do you want to hear some stories about the virus? How to get rid of virus

Well, I will one by one discuss it here. See my next post and keep you informed!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Knowing the Truth

How would you know the truth if the company that you are dealing with is engaged with fraudulent business? Well, to answer this question it can only be limited to investigate by gathering facts and not just listen to what other people say. Do not just rely on one person saying bad things about the company or a person. Sometimes other people want just to imply damage on others. Some people who work with that company maybe were saying good thing but because they are associates or affiliates and would like to fool others to protect their interest they use blog communities and other forms of media. While reading some online forums, make sure that the comment against a person or company does not come in just one source. Review all the forums available on the internet and make an assessment of your own. Check the credibility of the websites that had made comments either good or bad as well. Although some websites have no control on the sharing of opinions of their followers the best thing to do is to further investigate. Actually you have moved one step ahead if you have done checking what other people saying about your concerns. Investigate with the famous search engines and key in the company name, the filename of the intended files to be downloaded, etc and match it with the common keywords such as “fraud”, “scam”, and other terms alike. Always make this searching before you click a button to accept the suspected company’s offer. Although some of the readers already knew what to do it is good to be reminded with this simple way of getting the truth behind the suspected fraudulent company before you blame yourself out of impulsion.

It is good to check the trusted government websites that deal about the internet crimes and fraud. As what I said credibility of the company is need to be known.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Internet Scammers Game

Everywhere there are people who think about how to fool others to make for a living!
No wonder that even if we are now in computer age they also seen online and make disguise about themselves! They are scammers that are often related to the following:
8..and lot of negative connotations!

The bottom line question here is how to get rid of them?

I pity all those victims that's why I have made an article that deals and discuss about the Online World of Crimes!
If you have some experiences let us know so that we could notify others before they engage themselves with the scammers! What we need here is how to detect if you are dealing one of these "tricksters"!

Brace yourself as I am going to reveal the secrets of these scammers! All what we know will be posted here! These will be based from our own personal experiences, what we have heard, what we have read. Those former scammers are also welcome to reveal their secrets! As the saying goes, "preventive is better than cure" let us prevent all these by early detection and once we have some doubts or gathered evidences we can report these to authorities.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Internet Scams

If you have some concerns about internet fraud please do not hesitate to post or make any comments. New,similar or related from what I have posted here can be subject for discussion.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Hackers are the professionals which can be made up by the group of individuals or just an individual alone (hacker, singular form) who hack or get undisclosed information of the corporation or people for their own or personal interest which is against the will or consent of the source.

Beware of hackers and just be observant and cautious in dealing with untrusted websites and pop-ups on your computer screen!

On the internet do not just engage with sites that offer free downloads. Before allowing the files to be downloaded to your personal computer make sure that they are from trusted sites. Investigate and search for the forums or blogs concerning about the websites or the filename to be downloaded if there are complains about it.
It would be better if you do scanning on your hard disks, either built-in or external storage.

If you are using old version of the anti-virus software do not be contented of the scanning. Some viruses cannot be detected by the old version of anti-virus program. Make sure you have the latest version. Even if you have the latest version let us face the fact that there are new viruses being released that even if your new version of anti-virus may not the complete solution.

I would advise that you do multiple scanning. even if I have the latest version I do at least 2 times of scanning my personal computers and my external storage devices. Sometimes, one time scanning can skip other files to be scanned well so I run another scanning and I will stop it after I made sure that the result has "no virus found". It would be better if you update your anti-virus software from time to time if it prompts you to do so while you are online. As what I have said be careful and make sure that all downloads to your computer should be verified and has certificates or information about the source.

Avoid sites that have pornographic contents as much as possible since there are lots of virus spreading over the said sites. If you cannot resist just be careful!

I believe that those who spread viruses over the internet are the hackers.They are using programs and software to keep themselves informed about your activities online and get your personal information while you are registering to your email, signing ups, and keying your credit card info. To keep hackers away from getting into your confidential information some of the credit card companies are using special online alpha-numeric pad and you may key in by choosing the character using your mouse pointer.

To keep hackers out of the picture be cautious, observant, and hear what people say but do not just listen, support it by gathering facts and other relevant information.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Nigerian Letter Scam

Have you heard about Nigerian Scam? Actually in my experience I almost get fooled by the said scam.

I have received bulk of spam emails from this scam and I wonder where they got my information. They even knew my name and some information about myself, this may be due to some of the sites I have encountered.I am suspecting that some of the site owners who were responsible on some of the online registrations I have made had sold my personal information to other parties like to the people behind the Nigerian Letter Scam.

I have managed to contact one of the guys with this Nigerian scam. Actually they have had contacted me and was asking to send money in order to process the funds transfer of the amount which was more than million USD.

For the sake of everybody, Nigerian scam were offering big bucks to your account. They will tell you that they are lawyer and their client had big amount of money, died on plane crash without known relatives. In order to transfer the million US dollars they will be asking you to send money to them first in order to process the release and the transfer of the money to your account. It is called the "Nigerian Letter Scam" because they were referring on the bank account in Nigeria or sometimes it is associated with the Nigerian bank or people. This scam is being monitored by the Federal Bureau of Investigation by the link I mentioned below under the

To give such example of the letters please find below:(Cut & paste from my email)

Thank you for your response to my mail and i quit appreciate your willingness to help deposite this funds to your Account.I am happy to associate with somebody like you to make sure that this transaction is a reality.This transaction will be concluded soon depending on our serious concern to it.

However,all i need from you is trust and understanding,Your contact details is equally important for easy communication.I amy give you a call when needed to relate any new development to you regarding this transaction.

Note that we have to hasten up to get this transaction concluded as soon as possible.I will need your Trust and contact details to know the person that am dealing with and to present you as the Next of Kin to the deceased .

I will be needing the following informations from you to tender to the Bank as that of the new beneficairy of the said $26.5m.


Full Names,

Right Address.

Company Names, (If any)


Phone Numbers,

Fax Numbers. (If any)

Marital Status,


As soon as i get the above information , i will proceed to the Bank with it and submit it as that of the new beneficiary.

This is simple,legal,legit and risk free as i will be giving you all the needed legal backups to make sure that we get the money.

Do get back to me immediately you get this mail.

Note that in your reply to me you were asking how you can trust me.I am the person that will be asking for your Trust and not you since the Money will be coming into your Account while i come over to get my own share of the Money.So be rest assured that if you can be trusted that you have no reason to worry about.

Waiting to hear from you soon.

Mr Prince .

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Paying By Credit Cards

Doing business over the internet can be made up of three things. Marketing (which includes advertising), buying, and selling. I would like to discuss about the mode of payment by using credit cards. Credit card payment is the most widely accepted by using Mastercard, Visa, etc. Beware of using your credit card. If it is not important better not to buy the products offered online or otherwise check carefully the integrity of the parties involved before giving information about your credit card account numbers and the 3-digit CV. Before you give your card numbers, account name, your birthday (sometimes) , credit card expiry date, and especially the CV number make sure that the website or web page is secured. Search or investigate first about the credibility of the vendor and make sure that they are not using the ordinary http://.
Make sure that they are using the https://. HTTP with S is the secured hyper text transfer protocol which means it is equipped with SSL or secure socket layer.
To explain further in a simple way, the "https" is the communication between the customer by providing the credit card information thru codes that could only be understood and interpreted by the particular server. This means that not all servers in the world or hackers can get the information that you have provided. It is not easy to get hacked your credit card by third parties. It may only be known or hacked by the administrators who are working with the particular server that administering the credit card processing or online merchant account processor/credit card processor but certainly this will not be allowed especially for those companies that offer this kind of services. It will only affect their credibility. They are working hand in hand to secure your personal account information and they have internal policies about this. You can search from the known search engines the "credit card processor" or "merchant account services" and get the list of those companies that offer this kind of services.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How To Know Internet Scams

This site will discuss about internet fraud and scams. Share your knowledge and experiences to help the readers before engaging to any internet business.

It maybe useful if you follow the link below for some tips and guidance: