Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Gift of Spam Mails and Malwares (Malicious Software) these Holiday Seasons

Are you upset every time you open your personal email account flooded with spam mails? Have you ever wondered why there are many bulk mails eating most of your inbox storage? Despite of replacing your personal email and then later you have seen again a growing spam mails. The spam mails can penetrate your spam protection because they have passed the filtering process. This holiday seasons the Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned the public on email scams. From these spam mails some of it have electronic greeting cards (known as e-cards, or postcards) that after viewing the attachment you will be prompted to click the link on the webpage which has malwares.
Before opening any attachments sent to you from unsolicited mails it is recommended to conduct your own investigation if there are malwares attached into it. Run your updated Anti-virus from your computer and/or from a trusted website that provides free services in scanning the files that you have received.

Email Registration Required by Many Websites

Do not just give your personal email address to any websites you encounter while surfing the internet. It would be advisable to use a dummy email address to satisfy some websites requirements if you do not trust them. Ask yourself why they are requiring you to fill up some personal information and your email address to be indicated if there has no relevance. Obviously what they would do before you provide further information you will be prompted that they do not save password or sell your email address.

How To Catch Websites Who Sell Email Addresses?

An ordinary internet user can catch if a website is engaged to email address database selling to another parties. Nowadays, before you can participate into forums and/or use their services you will be required to enter your email address. Although not all forum sites or any websites that ask you to provide email address as part of registration process (before you can participate to their forum, for example) are selling email addresses to others but it will become like a form of spamming once you have registered and you will be automatically emailed if there are some updates on the site you have joined. Aside from this, some of the sites make a good profit by selling email addresses. As stated here, you can use a dummy email address but expect many spam emails flooding your message box.
If you want to identify which sites are engaged on spamming emails it will be easy but it will eat up some of your time. For example, create three new email accounts and assigned each one of them to three suspected sites that sell email addresses to another parties. Do not disclose your three new accounts to anybody and wait for about one to three months if your message inbox are free or flooded with spam emails.
In a study, even if you will not register your email address to any websites but you disclose it by posting comments to blogs or forum threads the said email address will be at risk of spam emails as well. Just be careful and once you have received spam mails it would be best if you will just delete it right away and do not dare to open it.

What Should You Need To Do If You Get Spammed?

If you have many bulk mails and mostly are unsolicited then you just need to delete all of them or use a best software that blocks all these in the possible penetration in the future. Make sure that you do not react or make any replies to them. If you do, the chance is you will be getting more unwanted emails to be received in few days. Answering to spam messages will put you into more difficult situation and you will be out of control.
If you have received those obviously fraudulent messages then do not reply and if you want to report it to authorities then it would be good. To give you an example, you might have received a notification letter that says you have won US$1 million from a lottery or a Nigerian Scam that was telling you to contact them with their telephone number. You might have noticed that the message was obviously has not been sent to you directly as you can see that the mailto was not your email address (“undisclosed recipients”, or only shows other email addresses). Why in the letter that you must call them and why not them? The email address that they were using is just a yahoo mail, msn, gmail, etc. or the account that can be gotten from any websites that offer free email addresses to anybody.

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